Fresh Engineering’s employability is very low…
Engineers graduating from various institutes all over India are rarely seen at the Second Class.
The marks at the Final year examination are mostly around 65% or above. Yet, hardly anyone accepts the Graduate Engineers as employable. This contradiction is less due to the individual’s shortfall at some or other domain. But it is mainly due to the fault at the format of the education system as taught as on today.
Employers expect the fresh graduates to be reasonably strong at the conceptual understanding, fundamentals and their right applications.
However, the education system asks the individuals to be strong at memorisation. The concerned level of memorization mainly determines the marks gained or lost by students. The professional field is not at all concerned with memorisation. An individual is allowed and encouraged to refer to any supporting information or have personal interactions when given a task at their profession. The individual is expected to be strong at the application of knowledge rather than the memorisation. Unfortunately, today’s knowledge imparting system. Which is mainly oriented around the examinations, prefers to remain aloof from the demand of the profession. The professional field never examines our students in the manner required.
The current examination system is too rigid at its structure asking the students to solve the questions mainly worth around 8 to 10 marks and worth around 15 minutes for solving. But at the professional field, the tasks given to a planning or design engineer are seen to be worth for some hours or even some days. The students, during their examinations or elsewhere, do not even get a chance to come across a professional level question of such type.
At the academic level, students are taught the fundamental subjects like mechanics, dynamics, graphics, manufacturing processes, and materials at the initial stages. Since the students are beginners at engineering during the initial 2-3 semesters, these subjects are rarely professionally taught. While as, some other subjects like process planning, design are taught almost at the 6th or 7th semester, but they are rarely re-connected with the fundamental level partner subjects. Students are not taught the necessary correlation between manufacturing and design, dynamics and design, engineering drawing and process planning, etc., at the end of semesters.
Lastly, during the end semesters, the examination system imparts no specific efforts to make the students employable. And fit to enter the professional field. Even a carpenter or painter also gives a finishing touch before delivering his product to the market. A common housewife also gives a finishing touch before serving the dinner. Why not the engineering education system? Why the last semester should not contain something worth 250-300 marks for overall finishing touch?
However, at “CADCAMGURU”, the scene is different.
We have understood these deficiencies which become hurdles for a fresh graduate to become employable. We have designed our course content so that the “would be” design engineer once again peeps into the fundamental level subjects but through professional angle. The new vision explaining the professional connection between fundamental subjects and their counterparts is clearly communicated to the students. As a result, the Engineering graduates completing CADCAMGURU CAD Course, turn out to be more employable. Our Statistics for “Students Placement” confirms this statement.

Prof. Prakash Deshpande HOD Academics