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CATIA V5 and CATIA V6 leading design products

The world’s leading design product suite is currently CATIA V5 and CATIA V6, renowned for being the two recent versions. This was possible because of two important factors, one was the industrial usability and other was the huge and constant investment made for product development and innovation. CATIA has wide range of application in the industry and because of this the demand for the product is also increasing.

The system developers at Dassault Systèmes’ regularly keeps a track over the requirements, suggestions, feed backs and complains from their customers. These customers can be a small designing company or a huge manufacturing organization. This has impacted greatly in the success of the product. It benefits the software’s application and usability. Moreover as CATIA deals with both the big and small industries, it has to keep innovating and incorporating various new technology to meet both industries requirement. On one land, large industries demand for stability, performance and consistency. Small industries need to adopt new innovations quickly and swiftly.

In Automotive and Aerospace engineering, designers initially used CATIA for creating the various parts and designs of the overall structure. With the advancement of technology and CATIA being used more diversely, it can be used for designing various things beyond just parts and structures. This has increased the areas of applications for CATIA. With mass production and usability, CATIA has also become affordable to the industry. Many big brands use CATIA as the basic engineering design platform. These brands includes Airbus, BMW, Ford, McLaren Racing, Nokia, Nikon, Sanyo, etc.

CATIA certification is in demand

This increasing usability and application of CATIA in the industry has given rise to the increase in demand of CATIA designers. Many upcoming engineering designers are looking forwards towards CATIA certification like a ladder to climb up to reach success in life. Industries, big or small, are looking for professional who can take care of conceptual designing. They are in need of professional who has precision to works with this tool to generate the desired output in the best quality and investing less time and efforts. This gave rise to the concept of CATIA certification.

Keeping this demand in mind, Dassault Systems has started CATIA certification. In this certification, students or professionals are trained to use CATIA like a pro. CATIA certification will give students and professionals a huge advantage in today’s competitive world. CATIA certified candidates are in great demand in the market. They have great job opportunities both in India and abroad. They get placed relatively easier and with less efforts. CATIA certification also trains the students to provide them with in dept knowledge for designing, thus making them a valuable asset for the organization.

We at CADCAMGURU have understood the importance of CATIA certification even when the concept of CATIA was new in the market. We have started a 6 month certification course for CATIA certification. CADCAMGURU offer many unique features during the training which includes training of 3D CAD modeling of casting, forgings, etc. Industrial requirements are considered in the design of this training. Students get on project experience during the training program. Training program also includes making the students familiar with CATIA V5. Thus making CADCAMGURU a preferred training center for CATIA certification.

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