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Hello Friends, I am sharing my thoughts with you all.

People interested in design & development field need to know
– some concepts, Facts about product design & development steps.
– Role of CAD, CAM & CAE & its importance.

Concept of 3D modeling CAD Software.

First understand the concept of 2D (2 Dimensional Sketch). While creating sketch plane or planar face is required (it is not possible to draw 2D sketch on Curve surface), so minimum 2 references are required while drawing sketch i.e. One vertical & one horizontal (from which we can give all respective dimensions, relations of sketch entity) that’s why Sketch is 2D. Adding required material to 2D so that 3rd dimension will add to it & thus convert into 3D model. By using 3D model one can Create assembly, & drafting (2D representation of 3D model or assembly) (depends on end applications there are different CAD softwares like Catia, Pro-Engineer, Unigraphics, Solid Edge, Ideas etc.)

Importance of 3D Software’s:

1} Feature based Software:

Feature- smallest building block of any 3D model
For creating a 3D model we need to add multiple features one after another then final model is created

2} Parametric Software:

3D softwares are parametric.
Parameter are nothing but Constraints, dimensions (values) & geometrical relationship.

While creating a model we are giving all respective parameters.
So if require we can easily change the parameters in Future. Thus we can control Shape & Size of any 3D model.

3} Bidirectional Associativity:

Associativity- dependency, link, co-relation.

3D model is dependent on Sketch or we can change sketch in 3D environment too. If one has created a rectangle in a sketch (2D) then converted into 3D by adding material by using relative command from 3D environment then box is created, then after that sketch dimensions are changed then respective changes are there in 3D model & vice versa. Or if we change same sketch from rectangle to circle then 3d will update to cylinder.

So Bidirectional Associativity means:

If we change the sketch (shape & size) it will reflect in part & vice versa.

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